Mayan Calendar Explained in 5-Easy Steps — Mayan Calendar Guide

Comprehensive Guide To The Mayan Calendar!

Mayan Calendar Guide
8 min readMay 7, 2021
The Ancient Stone Mayan Calendar

The Mayan calendar has been used for ages now and time has been an extremely important factor in the Mayan Calendar.

The Mayan calendar is an amalgamation of three cycles that are interlocked with each other which were used in Mesoamerica by ancient people. The three main Mayan Calendars are Tzolkin, Haab and Long Count Calendar.

What does the Mayan Calendar say About You and Your Future? Just Enter Your Birthday To Find Out!

1. Three Main Mayan Calendars

The Tzolkin Calendar which is commonly also known as the sacred calendar has a 260-day count.

The 365-day solar year is known as the Haab Calendar which is similar to the calendar we use today. It consists of 18 months with 20 days each and is used alongside The Tzolkin Calendar

When Haab and Tzolkin are combined together, they create a 52-year cycle called Round Calendar.

The Long Count Calendar helped in telling the timing of an event in relation to tzolkin and haab events.

The prediction about the world ending on December 21, 2012, was also made by looking at the Long Count Calendar by the Mayans which turned out to be false. Instead, it was then seen as a day of new beginnings and starting afresh.

The long count is formed by these elements :

  • Kin- 1 day
  • Uinal-20 days
  • Tun- 360 days
  • Katún-7200 days
  • Baktún- 144000 days

2. The Kin in Mayan Calendar

The Kin is similar to days in a month. While we have 30 or 31 days in a month, a Uinal which is a Mayan month is made up of 20 days or kin.

Each of these 20 days has a sign of its own which is also called the day sign. The signs reveal facts about your personality and life.

Just like Western astrology has elements i.e. fire, water, earth, air; signs in the Mayan Calendar have directions North, South, East, and West, and each day sign has a direction attached to it. Knowing your horoscope through reading the Mayan Calendar isn’t as easy. It goes deeper than just knowing the month and day you were born on. To know what the Mayan Calendar says about you just enter your date of birth.

The name of each Kin and what it signifies is as follows:

  1. Imix: This day is associated with rain. It is related to the unknown realm of the Universe. This day is really good to practice spirituality and connect with the Universe and focus on your spiritual growth.
  2. Ik’: This day is about wind. It helps in the purification of a being and helps you to rewire your brain and body. Release any frustration on this day and manifest blessings since this day will make them more powerful.
  3. Akb’al : This sign means dawn and is about change and renewal. This day focuses on new beginnings. On this day ask for forgiveness for any mistakes or sins you have done, even if unknowingly.
  4. K’an: This day is about the beliefs and patterns that restrict us. This day is good for letting go of all the unwanted things in your life and resolve any conflicts. Ask for abundance from the universe and use this day to manifest female fertility.
  5. Chikchan: This day represents growth in every area of your life. Ask for anything that you want to manifest in your life specifically related to love. It’s a good day for spiritual practices and improving physical strength.
  6. Kimi: This day depicts rebirth and reincarnation. It is a good day to ask for protection from evil energies and also to communicate to ancestors. On this day your psychic abilities might be very high.
  7. Manik: This day represents balance and stability. Find harmony among the mind, body and soul and balance your chakras on this day.
  8. Lamat: It is a day about new beginnings and manifestations, specifically in love and career relations. Focus your thoughts on love and compassion on this day.
  9. Muluk: This day represents your karmic cycle. Be grateful for all the blessings in your life and pay for all the sins you have done.
  10. Ok: This day represents the law. If you have to deal with any legal issues do it on this day and the universe will support you on any matter.
  11. Chuwen: This day is about destiny and creation. Choose this day if you want to get married or start a new business project.
  12. Eb: This day represents ‘path’. It depicts the road you take in your life. It is specifically auspicious for business deals and also a good day to travel or take a trip.
  13. Ben: This day means authority. It depicts power and strength. Step into your inner warrior on this day and take charge of your life.
  14. Ix: On this day your psychic abilities will be heightened and you can think more clearly. Go with your gut on this day and ask for signs from the Universe.
  15. Men: This day is great for manifesting meaningful relationships in your life. If you’re looking for a romantic connection or a friend just ask for it and the Universe will have your back.
  16. Kib’: On this day seek forgiveness and reflect upon any misdoings. Cleanse your aura and release any grudges.
  17. Kab’an: The meaning of this day is knowledge. Allow yourself to indulge into learning on this day and making your memory sharp because wisdom is power.
  18. Etz’nab’ : On this day cut ties with any negativity present in your life. Manifest good health and wellbeing.
  19. Kawak: This day represents family. It represents groups and looking at ‘we’ before ‘me’. It is a good day to spend time with your family and take care of them and solve any conflicts in your family as well.
  20. Ajaw: This is a good day to get rid of any negativity or any blocks in your energy. Perform a chakra meditation to clear out any blockages and align your chakras.

This will help you to understand the importance of each day and how you can utilize them in a better way. You can translate any date from the Gregorian Calendar (i.e the calendar we use today) to the Mayan Calendar and get to know which Kin it is.

Also, did you know that each person has their own day sign which allows them to know more about their personality and future as well? Discover your Mayan Zodiac today for FREE…just enter your birthday!

3. The Uinals in Mayan Calendar

In the Mayan Calendar, months are known as Uinals but they consist of 20 days and instead of 12 months, Uinals are 18 in number. Each Uinal has a unique name and meaning as well. These are also Mayan Zodiac Signs.

The name of the 18 Uinals along with characteristics of people born in a specific Uinal are listed below :

  • Pop (July 26th to August 14th) — positive, encouraging
  • Wo ’ (August 15th to September 3rd)- adventurous, adaptable
  • Sip (September 4th to September 23rd) — graceful, dominant
  • Sotz’ (September 24th to October 13th)– sensitive, intuitive
  • Sek (October 14th to November 2nd) — practical, wise
  • Xul (November 3rd to November 22nd)– positive, loyal
  • Yaxk’in (November 23rd to December 12th) — overthinker, healer
  • Mol (December 13th to January 1st) — resilient, determined
  • Ch’en ( January 2nd to 21st January)– night owl, creative souls
  • Yax (January 22nd to 10th February) — helpful, friendly
  • Sak (February 11th to 2nd March) — confident, adventurous
  • Keh (March 3rd to March 22nd)– nurturing, compassionate
  • Mak (March 23rd to April 11th) — reserved, mysterious
  • K’ank’in (April 12th to May 1st)– nature lover, traveler
  • Muwan’ (May 2nd to May 21st) — honest, straight forward
  • Pax (May 22nd to June 10th)– good leader, inspiring
  • K’ayab (June 11th to June 30th) — curious, spiritual
  • Kumk’u (July 1st to July 20th) — hardworking, strong
  • Wayeb (July 21st to July 25th) — natural psychics, spiritual

To know more about what these Uinals mean for you in-depth enter your birthdate to get your FREE Cosmic Energy Profile based on Mayan Calendar.

4. Wayeb in Mayan Calendar

There is also an extra Uinal of five days at the end of the Mayan Calendar or Haab known as Wayeb.

These days are considered to be unpredictable and it’s best not to make any important events or travel anywhere during this time. It is also said that these five days were considered unlucky by the ancient Mayan civilization.

People used to isolate themselves in their homes and used to avoid taking baths and also did not leave their homes frequently. No major activities were planned during this time as well.

Instead, people used to keep themselves busy to prepare for the new cycle of the Mayan Calendar. They used to perform rituals including fire ceremonies and purification activities.

This time in the Mayan Calendar was used to utilize this time to count the blessings and also prepare for a new cycle to begin which was also known as the Mayan New Year.

5. The Tun in Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar has 18 Uinals of 20 Kins in each Uinal along with a small Uinal of just 5 days. When combined together, a 365-year solar year called Tun is formed i.e. 18 Uinals make 1 Tun and 20 Uinals make a k’atun and 20 k’atuns make a b’ak’tun.

The Mayan Calendar has been now used for ages to predict the future just how our western astrological sign does. But Mayan Calendar is very complex and might not be completely understood by a layman.

There are priests who can go into the very details of the Mayan Calendar and advise you on auspicious dates to carry out certain events.

You can discover what the Mayan Priests would have said about you and your future…Just enter your date of birth to know!

The Mayan Calendar is still used in Southern Mexico and the Maya Highlands even today.

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Mayan Calendar Guide

Hi, I am Divi and I help you understand the Ancient Mayan Calendar. If you want to know about Your Future with it you can check out